
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lessons learned in 2010: Lesson 1

As the year comes to a close I wanted to share a few lessons I’ve learned about my creative life.

Lesson #1 concerns my newest creative venture- the blog. It’s been up & running about 6 months & I really enjoy it. It’s definitely a way to hold myself accountable- if I write that I am going to do something here, I better complete it- if I don’t, I get a text message from a cousin. True story. Honestly, I’m just more likely to accomplish a goal if I have stated it publicly, which I believe is not a trait specific to me- it’s human nature. If you want to be more likely to do something, tell someone your goal & your plan to get there. Maybe you have someone who will text/email/call you & check on your progress as well.

The most important lesson I learned regarding the blog is this: I get extremely busy around the holidays with pet portraits & should have ‘Feature Art Friday’ posts ready ahead of time. I can’t post anything from the studio this time of year because the art is a gift for someone who may or may not read my blog or be a facebook follower. I should also take more ‘in-progress’ photos of the pet portraits as they are painted, people seem to like to see them.

In 2011, the year will start off with ‘Feature Art Friday’ posts including the art painted this holiday season. Hopefully I’ll keep ahead of it throughout the year & won’t be panic-stricken in the fall when I realize that I can’t post from the studio without ruining someone’s Christmas present.

There will be additional ‘Lessons Learned’ posts over the next couple of weeks with topics including creative inspiration, trying new mediums & supportive friends.

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